8 AM - 4:30 PM (PST) Mon-Fri
8 AM - 3 PM (PST) Mon-Fri
There’s a well-worn phrase that’s used in our sport of angling that “90% of fish caught are by only 10% of the fishermen”. Is it because of superior skill or attention to detail? Probably, a little of each. This article is about you becoming an instant member of that “10% Club."
One of the most difficult presentations in sport fishing is fishing to suspended fish. A line counter on a baitcaster reel is one method of delivering your offering to where the fish are located. Another, is watching the fall of your lure on the screen of your electronic fish locator.
By Capt. Pete Rosko Late last summer brought a change in the Pacific weather pattern with the phasing out of El Nino warmer water and replacing it with the El Nina cooler water. The negative to this phenomenon was a...
The majority of anglers can agree that there are many natural elements that come into play, which affects fishing. These include air and water temperature, winds, currents water clarity, and the level of light available.
I recently purchased a ScentFlash Paddle Flasher and have had a ton of success with it. However, it keeps opening up after hooking up. Is this normal? We’re glad you’ve been able to find success with the new ScentFlash UV Paddle Flasher. While it’s not designed to open up at all, we’ve found that sometimes it will. Some remedies you can use to fix this are: