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Unleash the Ultimate Fish Magnet - Sonic BaitFish Lure

Unleash the Ultimate Fish Magnet: Sonic Baitfish

By Pete Rosko

Several years ago, I had the good fortune to fish with Dr. Jim Grassi from Post Falls, Idaho. Jim, a well-known bass fisherman, is a Doctor of Divinity, a member of the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame, and a respected pro staffer with Mack’s Lure.

At the time of this fishing adventure, I was driving on I-90 from my winter home in Florida to my summer home in Port Angeles, Washington. The morning after I arrived in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, I made my way to Spokane to meet Jim and to fish the Spokane River for the first time. This 111 mile long river is the outflow of Coeur d’Alene Lake and a tributary of the Columbia River.

My success on this spontaneous fishing trip with Jim Grassi illustrates perfectly the beauty of fishing with a versatile fishing lure that can adapt to any fishing situation with ease, including this one on the Spokane River.

As I was waiting for Jim to arrive at a Spokane River launch site on this beautiful Idaho morning, I felt the promise of an excellent day of fishing. There was a gentle breeze, and the river flowing just right. It did not take long for Jim and his trailered boat to arrive. As is so often the case with fellow anglers, we formed an easy and instant friendship. We got right down to the business at hand, and in short order we were floating the river. I could not ask for a better guide than Jim; he turned that day into a special memory for me.

Pro-Tip:  In some of my previous articles, I have mentioned how I like to fish the Sonic BaitFish in moving water, especially with a snaggy bottom.  I try to anticipate the direction in which the drifting boat is headed, then cast my line in the same direction. This tactic works well in the event I snag my Sonic BaitFish in rocks, as I can work it free as the boat passes directly over the lure and beyond the snag.  Almost always, a snagged lure will free itself, since the line angle is completely reversed. (You won't need to employ this technique if you are fishing over smooth bottom or if you are casting out to surface-feeding fish.)  

By casting directly downstream with braided mainline, and not sideways, I am maximizing the feel of my Sonic BaitFish lure against bottom structure where most of the river fish will be located.  I want my Sonic BaitFish to be constantly darting, fluttering and vibrating against those rocks where the fish will take notice. Casting sideways, with a wind-blown bow in my line, is a prescription for a disappointing and fishless day. If I lose that feel on the line, I trade skill for luck!

The beauty of fishing a metal jig is that the strike is usually a memorable one, unlike when fishing with bait. I want my trout to slam my bait rather than lick it. That's what occurred on that day with my fishing buddy, Jim. Even now, though I don't have a rod in my hands as I compose this article, I can still feel that vicious strike from memory. These are the kinds of ultimate fishing experiences I get to enjoy repeatedly as a result of knowing how to work a metal jig correctly. 

The beauty of jig-casting that day on the Spokane River was, “the joy in the anticipation of the next strike”. Whether it was a “flaming” crimson rainbow trout, or a leaping smallmouth bass, this lure was a magnet for attracting fish. The fun that day was not knowing what the next strike would bring. The strikes were plentiful. As I cross the I-90 bridge and the Spokane River, I am reminded of my ultimate fishing experience with Jim.

Read More Pro-Tips:

Boost Your Catch Rate: Mastering Trout Fishing with the Versatile Sonic BaitFish Lure

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