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Trout and Kokanee Fishing on Lake Roosevelt

Trout and Kokanee Fishing on Lake Roosevelt

Lake Roosevelt is the stretch of the Columbia River above Grand Coulee Dam.

This huge body of water extends over 150 miles to the Canadian border and provides Northwest fisherman with abundant trout, kokanee, walleye, bass, and other game fish.

In this video, the Harrod's join Bob Loomis and Lance Merz from Mack's Lure for some outstanding spring fishing!

More than 30 species of fish inhabit Lake Roosevelt waters. Common species you can fish for here are:

  • Rainbow Trout: This sport fish is an acrobatic fighter when hooked. Average weight 1-3 lbs.
  • White Sturgeon: North America's biggest freshwater fish. Landlocked behind Grand Coulee Dam, sturgeon can grow up to 1,800 lbs. Average weight 100-300 lbs.
  • Yellow Perch: A tasty, mild-flavored fish transplanted from eastern United States. When hungry, this fish generally will bite anything offered. Average weight 0.3-0.5 lbs.
  • Lake Whitefish: An abundant species in Lake Roosevelt, not generally pursued by anglers. It is caught most often by those angling for trout or kokanee. Average weight 2-3 lbs.
  • Kokanee: Landlocked sockeye salmon. Tributary streams provide important spawning grounds for this fish. Avearge weight 1.3 lbs.
  • Burbot: One of the lake's native fish, also known as a fresh water lingcod. This tasty fish has become popular among anglers. Average weight 3-7 lbs.
  • Other fish found in these waters include cutthroat trout, bass, sunfish, carp, perch, pike, and bullhead.

To learn more about fishing at this beautiful lake, visit this website:

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Next article Spring and Summer Walleye on the Columbia River

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