8 AM - 4:30 PM (PST) Mon-Fri
8 AM - 3 PM (PST) Mon-Fri
At the many seminars we do promoting Mack's Lure, one of the tips that we pass along creates quite a bit of buzz. It is the one where we put a small 0.8 Smile Blade behind a stick bait. This little addition to their favorite lure gives the illusion of a tail in swim mode. After the seminar I encourage those who want to learn this method to meet with me so I can demonstrate to them just how it is tied. This creates quite a traffic jam at the Mack's Lure display. Anglers want to know how to tie the Smile Blade tight to the stick bait so I will also share how with you.
The items needed are; a 16" piece of 14# power pro braid, a 0.8 Smile Blade, (we have found gold and silver sparkle series work the best), and a 4mm ruby red bead (also available through Mack's.).
Step 4:
Cut the tag end off and holding the stick bait, pull on the Treble. You'll feel a little more locking of the palomar knot and you'll get just enough slack to let the Smile Blade spin free.
You can use the larger 1.1 Smile Blade on the larger stick baits, or any of the ones with violent side to side action. We put the Smile Blades on all our stick baits except the smaller flat fish type. We always tell seminar participants that no one fishing lure will catch all the fish all the time, but this technique will raise your catch rate like it has ours.