8 AM - 4:30 PM (PST) Mon-Fri
8 AM - 3 PM (PST) Mon-Fri
Mastering the Masquerade Identify the prey you want to mimic when targeting NW cutthroat trout. Sea-run cutthroat trout in Puget Sound, Washington, feed on a variety of prey in the spring as they prepare for spawning and take advantage of...
On Ep. 53 of the WAO Podcast pres. by Harrod Outdoors and Mack's Lure, Bobby, Richy and Britton talk early spring walleye on the Columbia River, then Work Sharp's Josh Warren and Steve Baker join the show to talk hunting knives, field sharpeners,...
The Sonic Baitfish in one of the most versatile fishing lures you can hook onto your line. Invented by one of the nation's top lure designers and venerable fisherman, Pete Rosko, this high-performance lure is loaded with action. What makes the Sonic Baitfish...
On Ep. 62 of the WAO Podcast pres. by Harrod Outdoors and Mack's Lure, Richy recaps a recent fishing trip to Alaska and then we're joined by Gary Anderson, who owns and runs Anderson Lodge Alaska on Thorne Bay.
On Ep. 60 of the WAO Podcast pres. by Harrod Outdoors and Mack's Lure, we're joined by former professional walleye angler and founder of Valley Marine, Doug Allen, who takes us on a historical journey through the growth of walleye...
On Episode 59 of the We Are Outdoorsmen Podcast, Bobby, Britton and Richy preview the lowland lakes trout opener in the Pacific Northwest, then they're joined by WDFW's Kelly Riordan, who discussed the WDFW Trout Derby and finally they break...
By Mike HallThe adventure began years ago when a friend in the local bass club asked “I have a good spot for Yellow Perch thru the ice, are you interested?” You must know that ice fishing was and is the...
Mike Hall, Pro-Staff Angler Next time you head out Kokanee fishing on your favorite river or lake, remember these salmon strike for basic reasons of hunger, reaction, anger, spawn and territorial behavior. Kokanee are attracted to strike by degree of action, smell, noise, water displacement,...
The author, Danny Coyne,is a Mack's Lure Pro Staffer located in British Columbia. Over the past 10 years a huge “Kokanee Craze” has been ignited within the angling community throughout the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia regions. Kokanee are second...